
    一年一度的母親節(母親節特惠餐廳 台北)又到了,打算怎麼幫媽媽慶祝呢?

    我想挑禮物(母親節特惠餐廳 台北)選跟餐廳一定是最苦惱的吧

    如果你想找母親節特惠餐廳 台北,可以參考我分享的文章



▲ 二哈「辛巴」遇到超級過動的小小狗,溫柔忍耐的樣子讓人融化。(圖/翻攝自Instagram帳號:thehuskypride,下同。)



▲這麼多月月啊!(光用看得就覺得好巧克力蛋糕 推薦 台北累)

這隻來自印尼的哈士奇名字叫做辛巴(Simba),家裡除了牠之外,另外還有6隻哈士奇,辛巴和其他月月們的主人是一對年輕夫妻(不得不說一下這兩位把拔馬麻真的超厲害,養一生日蛋糕宅配人氣店家 竹北隻月月就很累了,一次還養7隻,超帶種!)而在這7隻哈士奇中,就屬辛巴最溫柔而穩定。






/ Staff writer, with CNAThe Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line began trial runs yesterday, with free rides being offered to the public in two phases over the course of one month before commercial operations begin on March 2, Taoyuan Metro Corp said.In the first phase, which is to run through Feb. 15, group passengers who apply in advance are to be allowed to travel for free between 8am and 4pm, the company saidDuring this phase, passengers are to be restricted to boarding and disembarking at only six of the 21 stations, which do not include the two stations serving Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, it added.The six stations are Taipei Main Station (A1), New Taipei Industrial Park Station (A3), Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station (A8), Shanbi Station (A10), Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station (A18) and Huanbei Station (A21), or north link, the company said.In the second phase, which is to start on Feb. 15 and run through March 1, a daily maximum of 40,000 free rides between 8am and 4pm will be offered to individual passengers who obtain numbered tags at the stations at 7:40am, 9:40am, 11:40am and 1:40pm, the company said, adding that passengers will have access to all 21 stations during this phase.Although luggage check-in services for airport passengers will be available at Taipei Main Station during the second phase, outbound passengers are advised not to use it until the line’s commercial operations begin on March 2.The first trial run traveled from Huanbei Station to Taipei Main Station, with Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) and Taoyuan City Council Speaker Chiu Yi-sheng (邱奕勝) leading about 160 local officials and residents aboard the new train.Some people who rode the line described it as “the pride of Taoyuan,” while expressing hope that it would be profitable.However, others said they felt uncomfortable during the journey on a windy section between Huanbei Station and Airport Terminal 2.After the MRT starts commercial operations, passengers will be offered a 50 percent discount on all trips during the first month, the company said, adding that the trains will run from 6am to 11pm every day.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

近況絕佳的熱火持續旺盛狂燒,在Goran Dragic以及Dion Waiters的帶領下,熱火2日以116比93在主場大勝老鷹,拿下近期的9連勝。


比賽在末段時出現火爆插曲,或許是分數落後太多、「見笑轉生氣」的關係,老鷹前鋒Taurean Prince在熱火中鋒Hassan Whiteside要出手時從後方將他狠狠拉下摔倒在地,熱火前鋒James Johnson見狀立刻撲向Prince,雙方一度對峙並互相推擠。




老鷹總教練Mike Budenholzer則如此稱讚熱火表現:「我必須給熱火很大的肯定,他們展現出很棒的活動力、侵略性,不管是球員還是教練團都有很棒的發揮,他們真的打出了非常棒的比賽,不難看出來為什麼他們可以拿下9連勝。」



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    創作者 郭雅輝纓出營醜辱 的頭像


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